1 min readJun 18, 2021


My plans for the next couple of years…

I’m saving up for a computer, right now, so I can become a youtuber. I need a desktop computer, like the big boxy ones, so I can record videos without it lagging. I have estimated it will take 3 and a half years to save up for it, with my current pocket money plans, at £4 a week.

So far, to get that computer quicker, I have come up with some plans. Script (well, learn how to first as I have no idea which one to learn), do article writing on this… because I heard you get money for it… and that is all I have thought of.

At the moment, I am nearly in high school, as it is coming to the end of this academic year. I will be going to a grammar school, as I passed my 11+, and then I will be just learning there like everyone does at schools.

Thank you for reading this, and I will hopefully be making more articles!

