7 tips that I use to do well at school

4 min readDec 19, 2021

The main question for children, is how do I do well at school? Well, here are my answers to that question. This article will contain 7 answers to what to do very well at school, or at least better than you are doing!

  1. Firstly, you need to listen to the teacher in class. But don’t just listen, listen hard and with interest! Don’t talk with the person next to you, or around in the classroom at all. Only talk with classmates if you have been told to! Make sure you look interested, because that makes the teacher at least think that you are listening. This will make your grades go up, and you might just learn something new!
  2. If you have a question, don’t be shy! Put your hand up. Either hand will do! If you’re wondering how to do it, with one finger up, or your whole hand up, it doesnt matter. The teacher will know that you have a question. Putting your hand up will also show that you are wanting to get involved, which will increase the teachers trust in you, and it will show that you have been listening if you get it right, but if you get it wrong, it will still show that you have been listening, as you gave it a go and the teacher will think to give you a higher grade!
  3. Don’t get distracted by your surroundings. They can make you stop listening. If you need a fiddle toy, then use one, but otherwise, don’t! If you do fiddle though, you will have to not look at the item you are fiddling with, and look at the teacher instead! Looking at the teacher will show you are engaged, and you will be trusted furthermore by your teacher, and you will get a higher effort grade!
  4. Stay awake in class. We all know it can get boring, and tiring, but if you fall asleep, it would create a bad impression of you! If you feel like your dozing off, I personally pinch myself to wake me up, but you can do what you want that works to wake you up even more! Staying awake will also stimulate your brain to stay awake more during the day. If you are feeling tired during the day, then I suggest sleeping more. If you are 12 or under, I would suggest 9–11 hours of total sleep at night, but if you are a teen or at high school, I would suggest 8–10 hours of sleep, but anything above 9 hours all together I would suggest. I normally get 11 hours of sleep.
  5. Sitting up straight is an important part of learning. You have a higher chance of falling asleep if you are lolloping on your desk. Sitting up straight helps your posture, and makes it seam like you are trying hard, even if your not! I still would work hard though, as it would educate you more. Teachers will also think you as a hard working student, and it would reduce the chance to get a hunched back, but if you have one all ready, then I would suggest going to the doctors to ask what they think, as I am not a doctor myself, so I don’t know the best way to fix it, but I would suggest trying to sit and stand up straight, to improve your spinal curve.
  6. Don’t eat in class. Eating in class might make a mess, and you will have flavours in your mouth, which will distract you. Distraction is a bad key to learning, as it will take your mind off of the teacher, who is working very hard to educate you and your fellow classmates! Don’t forget, that your teachers went to school just like you. Don’t think they have a good time not having to learn, because they have to work hard to teach you, and believe it or not, they learn stuff from students all the time! If you are wondering why they want to teach though, its normally because they like being around children!
  7. Lastly, the important one, don’t skive! Skiving is when you skip class, for those who didn’t know. Skiving can get you into big trouble! It will also reduce your learning! You will get lower grades, and your parents will be notified that you have been a naughty student, so you will probably be grounded, or worse, a technology ban!

It is important you work hard in school. If you don’t, you wont learn. If you don’t learn, then you won’t be able to get your dream career! School is to teach you so you can get into university, or college, for precise learning for the job you want. If you don’t get into university, or many jobs, don’t worry! You can get more tutoring if you want, and there are plenty more jobs to pick from!

Thank you for reading my article, and I hope these tips help you! Happy learning!

